AU Forum Applauds King Mohammed VI’s Migration Leadership

10 October 2024
AU Forum Applauds King Mohammed VI’s Migration Leadership

Morocco’s contributions to shaping Africa’s migration policies featured prominently today at the second regional review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) in Addis Ababa.

Organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the African Union Commission, the forum provided an opportunity for stakeholders to assess progress on the continent’s migration challenges since the adoption of the GCM in 2018.

Among the key highlights of the event was the recognition of Morocco’s role in migration governance. Minata Samate Cessouma, the African Union’s Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs, and Social Development, commended King Mohammed VI’s efforts in spearheading migration initiatives across Africa.

“His Majesty King Mohammed VI has played an important role in advancing Africa’s approach to migration,” she stated, addressing officials from across the African Union and the United Nations.

At the center of Morocco’s involvement is the African Migration Observatory, a specialized technical office of the African Union that operates from Rabat.

The observatory was established in 2018 as part of Morocco’s broader engagement in African migration governance, with its official launch taking place in December 2020.

Since its inception, the African Migration Observatory has been central to tracking migration patterns, monitoring trends, and facilitating cooperation among African nations.

The data collected by the observatory has been instrumental in identifying migration flows and patterns, helping to address challenges such as human trafficking, irregular migration, and forced displacement.

Its mandate includes providing the continent with centralized, harmonized, and timely migration data to inform policy decisions and improve the overall management of migration across Africa.

The forum in Addis Ababa brought together representatives from all 54 African nations to review the progress made under the GCM, a United Nations framework designed to address the challenges and opportunities of migration globally.

Source: Morocco word news

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