Miami Mayor, former White House hopeful Francis Suarez endorses Donald Trump for president

1 March 2024
Miami Mayor, former White House hopeful Francis Suarez endorses Donald Trump for president

Miami Mayor and former Republican presidential candidate Francis Suarez announced Friday his endorsement of former President Donald Trump for re-election this year.

In an early morning post on X, Suarez, who leads one of the biggest cities in the U.S. with one of the most concentrated populations of Hispanic Americans, vowed to help boost Trump and the Republican Party with Latino, young and urban voters.

“After seeing both our current President and President Trump at the border, and having been there myself last week, it is evident to me that the only candidate that will keep our country safe, our border secured, reduce inflation and can coherently lead our country forward is President Donald J. Trump,” Suarez wrote.

“For those reasons, I am endorsing President Trump today. I look forward to helping him campaign on his strong record and contrast it with the current administration’s. I especially look forward to helping President Trump and the Republican Party win a larger share of Hispanic, young voters and voters across our cities and urban centers,” he added.

Suarez’s endorsement comes on the heels of polling showing the Democrat Party losing support from Hispanic voters, including in a Gallup poll released last month that found Republicans only trailing with the community by 12 points, the lowest since 2011.

That same poll also found younger voters supporting Democrats at their lowest level in almost two decades.

Source: foxnews
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